Tuesday, October 7, 2008

New Book

We recently started reading the book A Year Down Yonder. What do you think about the book so far? What happened in the chapter you read last night? Do you see any connections to anything else you have read or anything in your life?


Anonymous said...

I love this book so far because it is so exciting. I found out that the setting toke place in Octover and this mounth is also Octover so I made a conectoin to that. It was funny when it side that the city on Holloween they used cardbord for jack-o-lantern.They stick a small fake candle inside. Now in the coutry they used a real pumkin and a huge candle and they even get to go around saying "trick-or-treat" to everyone around.The book talked aout the two girls geting ready to go and Mary-Alice suprised about the new way she would do this holiday. When it started I got into it and by the time I finished the chapter I just wanted to read on and on till the book was done but I knew I had to stop. I also like this book because it decribes the characters vary well and tells alout about what they wear and what they do all the time.

Anonymous said...

I like this book because it decribes the charaters very well also it tells my what they do!I felt confused when I heard"Grandma ment to keep the knife."

Anonymous said...

I don't really like this book, because to me it's boring. I only like one part, the pie part except the flavors. Iwouldn't recommend this book to anyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I like the activities but not the book. If you read it you might say something else.Idon't want to keep reading it.It doesn't really interest me.

Anonymous said...

So far I think that this book is sort well sort of well boring!!I dont't like think the inter book is a bore just sertant parts.I mean I want to get to the part that made it a John Newbery Meadel FOR...Most distingushed contribution TO... america literature for children!!It's agreat book and all I can definatly say that but this is one of thoese books when the first 3 chapters are BOORRIINNGG.but one of my favorite parts is that the book is in October and this month is October "ya" get the point? It was HI-lirrious when it said they made cardbored jack-o-lanternes out of cardbored and put fake candles inside the jack-o-lantern!but still it's a good book!!!

Anonymous said...

Today when I read the bible I figured out that when God said that he would give Mary a baby. He did, and when Mary gave birth to Jesus the angels where singing.The heavens when rejoicing and God was happy just like he was at the beginning of the world!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I love your class!!!!

Anonymous said...

Today when we read the bible on the way to home from a resteront I read the wise and the foolish bilders, it is a story in the ble really it is one of my favorites that is inthe book Mathuew! Oh, I can't wait to share it in class with you ! It is a amasing story. One day we have to read it. Well you should because Jesus told that story to his folowers in the bible and well it was awsome!!!!

Anonymous said...

When we readA Year Down Yonder.I thought it would be about a train and a person on it 4 a year.When we started I knew it wasn't about that.Now I'm going 2 talk about my poster.We put Grandma's house in the middle because it is the main house.When I heard the word naked I wanted 2 puke.But he said not naked nude.I did not know what it ment.So I kept reading.Now we r reading "Frindle".A Year Down Yonder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

We made a poster with many colors.I made paths 2 the middle because the midde is the main house.WE put the main charaters on the poster.We put rainbow paths 2 be creative.I do not know why Lydia and Lasonya put a turkey 4 the Abernathy's house?And 4 the COFFEE POT CAFE it was a coffee mug.

Anonymous said...


The book is amasing book because of all its agitives,diskriptive words,and funny vocabulay.It was a privlige to be able to read this bookand I enjoyed it!
A Year Down Yonder takes place in the city of Chicago Ilinosce and moves down to the countray.A girl maned Mary-Alice has her family but her dad lose his job. Mary-Alice is forced to go to the countray to live with her tarifieing Grand motherwithout her fathful brother Joey!
Mary-Alice goes to colege still at her Grand mother's house with a wild event ahead of her.
At school in College Mary-Alice falls in a deep love with a man named Roce. Mary-Alice is deturmanded to mary him, but someone is in the way! Carlen Lovejoy also liked Roce so they need to find a soulotion.
Then one day a tornato hit the school!
I made a poster on this book and the code is my favorite part. I made the paths from Grandmother's house to different places because Grand mother's house is the main place. On are poster we put sine of smow and snow men. The resin of this was because the seasen was Winter!!

Anonymous said...

Although I don't like the book, I didn't like the middle or beginning
I liked the end.Except for the tornado part.Maybe
it was the map activity,I don't know.For the map activity Lidia and I hade to make a map of Illinois.I loved the map activity.We put Grandma Dowdle's house in the middle because it was the main place where everything happend.That's why we had all the paths coming from Grandma's house.This is mainly what happend in the story.A girl named Mary-Alice has to go live with he grandma in Illinois. She meets this guy named Royse Mc Nabb.She ends up leaving to go to college and comes back to marry RoysMcNabb. There is a pecan tree on our poster because in the book grandma stole pecans from an old death man.We also have two giant pumkins on there because she also stone pumkins. She only stole the stuff because she wanted to make pies. We put a coffeepot and the cup because they kept talking about it.

Anonymous said...

We made maps and at the same time we were finishing a year down yonder and laren and I were working together and lydia and laSonya were working together and laren and I immediately started planning out where we were going to put stuff like the gramma's house and where we were going to put the peacan house and where to put the Abernathey's house and to draw the train station and the train and stuff like that.If you were to look on the map there were rainbow pathes that I colered andLaren was all like what are you doing andI was all like do you want the map people to get lost!?!?