Thursday, March 19, 2009

Fractions! Fractions! Fractons!

Tell me all you can about Fractions!!!!

Clipart provided by Classroom Clipart


Anonymous said...

*the bigger the denominator, the smaller the parts
*you can add and subtract them
*if bigger number is on top, then it is an improper fraction
*if you add, it is easier if the denomintor is the same becuase then you just add the top numbers (numerator)
*put them in order least to greatest or greatest to least
*you can change them to decimals
*you can change an improper fraction to a mixed number
*a mixed number contains a whole number and a fractions
*fractions can be simplied (ex. 5/10 = 1/2)
*to add and subtract numbers with different denominators, you have make equivalent fractions so you have the same denominators
*an example of a benchmark fraction is 1/2
*you must do the same to the top and bottom of a fraction to get equivalent fractions
*a benchmark fraction is one that you can use for comparison

Anonymous said...

I learned that fractions can be changed to decimals such as 5/10 = 0.5. Fractions are fun when you learned it right and do it right. Fractions are in the family of decimls . Do you know how? I'll show you if you don't know. Fractions are in the decimal family because you change fractons to decimals.

Fractions are fun!!!

Anonymous said...

I learned that fractoins our all different in a way and are so similer in some ways.

1. I learned about how benchmark fractions work an done is 1/2 or one half. It helps you to compaer your fractio ns such as 10/12 and see how and if it is bigger then one half or less then one half. In this case 10/12 is bigger then 1/2 half because 1/2 of 12 which is the dinominater would be 6 and we have 10. Because of this 10 is bigger then six so it would be more then half.

2. The number on the top m ust be smalier then the number on the bottom or is would be an inproper fraction!