Monday, February 2, 2009

WSFCS WriteOn Project

We are working with several other classes in the school system to create a collaborative story on a wiki.

Our group is writing the beginning of the the story!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Our first draft:
What did you say?

“Hey, that’s not the right answer! Five times five is 25 not 32!” I look around to see who is telling me answers. “No, no, no, six times five is 30, not 35.” As I moved my math test around on my desk, I see a face looking up at me! AAAAAHHH! The teacher says, “What is going on back there? You better have a good reason for screaming during a test.” I still don’t know what is going on, and why does my desk have a face?

Could my desk be the one trying to tell me the answers to the test? I hear someone or something mumble. I look down and see the desk talking to me. “Be quiet and stop telling me the answers because I don’t want to cheat,” I say to the desk. The teacher looks back and says, “What is going on back there? There is too much talking, so move your desk to the wall!”